Welcome to DW Goldman!
Since its foundation in 2020, DW Goldman has been providing design and engineering services in the fields
of smart city, wastewater, 5G.
Our professionals are committed to creating a pleasant future Living environment where humans and nature
coexist harmoniously With a proven track record of experience and technology, we have completed more than
7 projects in Central America, These projects encompass various areas of engineering such as the security of
smart city, wastewater treatment,5G,environment projects with innovative and International patents technology
DW Goldman effortlessly delivers more reasonable and efficient solutions tailored to needs of our clients
Supported by a professional team, DW Goldman communicates with clients with a strong sense of responsibility,
aiming to create social values.
We are  dedicated to doing our best to improve our lives and ensure sustainability for the next generation.
Kim, Dae Woo
Company name / DW Goldman Inc
Address / 2550 Pleasant Hill Rd, #437 Duluth GA 30096 USA
Busibess control number / 20017428,State of Georgia USA
Business Effective Date / 02/05/2020
Authorizer Signature / Dae Woo Kim
Business / Smart City Design and Engineering Solutions
  / Wastewater Plant Design and Engineering Solutions
  / 5G
Dae Woo Kim / CEO
Nationality / Republic of Korea
1. Career / 35years for IT technologies,System Integration with digital and analog
2. Education / Korean University,chemical engineer
3. Professionality / korea national science center system turnkey project, World largest screen(Las vegas 420m) Turnkey
  / broadcasting 8 projects .smart city 7 projects. Wastewater treatment projects in Costa Rica
Kyum Myung Chul / Ph.D Senior Engineer,
Nationality / Republic of Korea
1. Career / Korea Institute of Fusion Energy Project with US Princeton Univ , ABC nanotech executive director
2. Education / Sungkyunkwan university Nuclear physics Master and Doctor degree
3. Professionality / control center Integrated system design and program
  / Development of nano bubble generator,ozone-nanobubble device,and high oxigen water treatment
Chang bae Hwang / Project Manager
Nationality / Republic of Korea
1. Career / 38years for Mechanical Engineer,Quality assureance engineer with US army
2. Education / Korean University,Mechanical engineering
3. EducationProfessionality / Quality assurance Engineer ,Nano-micro bubble device developer,OH radical inventer
  / Quality assurance Engineer ,Nano-micro bubble device developer,OH radical inventer
Kyle Johnson / Project Manager
Nationality / united state America
1. Career / 10years market manager for samsung,deloitte in USA
2. Education / Conell University,BS Industrial and labor relations
3. EducationProfessionality / IT consulting,Contract Administration
  / market management planning for special projects
Patent(Wastewater treatment)
USA US 11,779,890 B2 2023-10-10 nano-micro bubble generator
Canada 3,085,577 2023-08-01 nano-micro bubble generator
EU PCT/KR2018/016288 2018-12-20 nano-micro bubble generator
China 2019 1 011488.9 2019-02-14 nano-micro bubble generator
Singapore 11202005852R 2018-12-20 nano-micro bubble generator
Korea 10-2069437 2020-01-16 nano-micro bubble generator
  10-1980480 2019-05-14 nano-micro bubble generator
USA US 11,595,263 B1   5G
1. Smart city / Smart city uses cutting -edge information and communication technology(ICT) to solve problems
    such as security,traffic, environmental,etc
    We,DW Goldman Inc use the advanced information and commumications technologies
    We have the technology to design and operate the controlcenter in smart city projects
2. Wastewater treatment Plant / We have advanced technology to treat wastewater using oxygen,ozone,oh radical
    Our technology is recognized in many countries including USA,EU,Canada,and China as OH
    Radical nano-micro bubble generator with Eco-friendly technology. We have the License for the
    patent use patent use We have the technology for the solutions of engineering and operating
  / in the fully automated integrating plant with real time monitoring and control
3. 5G / We are partnering with KISTI(Korean government research Institute) and TRENTO to the 5G
1. KISTI / Korea Institute of Science and technology Information
2. TRENTO / 5G profetional company,Korea
3. CYAG / Nano-micro bubble Generator manufacturer
4. KAIA / Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology advancement
5. Korea University / Korea university mechanical engineering institute
6. Kukmin University / Kukmin University Smart city project team